What is Finops?

FinOps is an operating model that brings financial accountability to variable spending in the cloud. Or, in layman's termas, a FinOps model can help you determine your spend in storage and operating systems.

You might consider FinOps as a bookkeeper for you organisation and individual projects. A FinOps will help you in the day-to-day management of your cloud-based resources, allocating the right space, time andmoney you need for a successful cloud architecture.

The tool will also help you operate at scale. As a cloud-based financial management tool, a FinOps is designed to evolve over time as your business grows.

How and where would you use FinOps?

FinOps systems have helped engineering, finance, technology, and business teams make data-driven decisions while maximising their cloud utilization and investment portfolios.

Choose which module to learn more about.

Automation in the cloud

Cloud automation is a broad term that refers to a set of processes or tools that manage cloud computing technologies, such as hosting services and any ongoing services or processes.

Understanding cloud billing

Cloud billing is a collection of tools that help you track and understand your Cloud expenditure, including how you pay your bills and optimize ongoing costs.

Real-time cloud cost monitoring

Cloud cost monitoring is the process of overseeing and optimizing cloud resources in real-time, implementing procedures to determine the best resource utilization.

Cloud database cost optimization

Cloud database cost optimization focuses on efficiently managing database resources in the cloud to minimize expenses while maintaining performance.

EBS Optmization

Optimising your EBS (Elastic Book Storage) is an effective way to reduce cloud-system expenditure and create better file cataloguing systems.

EC2 Optmization

EC2 optimization focuses on enhancing performance and cost-efficiency in Amazon EC2 by choosing suitable instance types, sizes, and configurations and employing auto-scaling and monitoring strategies to optimize resource utilization and reduce costs.

Instance scheduling

In AWS (Amazon Web Server) systems, an instance schedular helps automate the stopping and starting of an EC2 (Elastic Computing 2) system.

Utilize cloud native resources

Cloud-native refers to the software approach of building, deploying, and managing applications in cloud computing environments by leveraging the inherent benefits of cloud infrastructure, such as scalability, elasticity, and resilience, to enable rapid development and efficient operation of modern software systems.

AWS cloud optimizer

A cloud optimizer is a digital service that analyzes the configuration and the level of utilization you have in your AWS resources, indicating where you can do things better.

AWS S3 cost reduction

AWS S3, or Amazon Simple Storage Service, is an object storage service that helps industries scale, investigate data availability, run security and improve performance.

Learn snapshots

Create snapshots of your important digital systems for reference, planning, security and file storage

Tagging for cost management

Cloud tagging refers to attaching metadata or labels to cloud resources to organize, categorize, and track these resources based on their function, the owner, or other relevant criteria.

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