
What is resilience in DevSecOps?

A resilient system is one which is designed to recover from any failures or disruptions to the ‘cloud architecture’ (the software system’s physical storage design). A resilient DevSecOps system prioritizes the security, downtime, and backup functionality of the product to avoid customer frustration and keep operations smooth. 

Why would you want resilience in DevSecOps?

Resilience is critical to the security, risk avoidance, and recoverability of any product or application. A system is designed with resistance in place because it intends that, at some point, it will be threatened or attacked by a virus, hack, or another form of risk. By having a resilient process in place, the risk and length of downtime are minimized, as well as the impact of security incidents.

How does resilience in DevSecOps work?

A system designed with resilience in mind will:

  • Implement redundancy, failover, and disaster recovery to ensure systems and applications can continue operating during unexpected events or attacks.
  • Use techniques like chaos engineering to simulate failures and test the resilience of systems and applications.
  • Use automated incident response and mitigation tools to respond quickly to security incidents.
  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities for incident response and ensure all team members have the necessary training and resources to respond effectively to security incidents.
  • Develop a training program for team members to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to support a resilient process.
  • Continuously improve the resilience process through regular reviews and testing to ensure it remains effective despite evolving threats and risks.

The value of resilience in DevSecOps

Resilience in DevSecOps is not about creating redundant systems but rather creating a system of highly designed and minimalized backup options which reduce the number of affected systems during a security risk event, as well as increasing the difficulty of a hack.

Main advantages of resilience in DevSecOps

  • Facilitates the design and implementation of secure and resilient systems
  • Enables rapid detection and response to security incidents and threats
  • Helps reduce the impact of incidents and disruptions on users and customers
  • Improves overall system reliability and availability
  • Enhances security by enabling rapid response to security incidents and threats
  • Helps mitigate the risk of downtime and lost revenue
  • Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A common user story

 “As a Product Manager, we want to create a DevSecOps process emphasizing resilience so that our team can improve security, reduce risk, and ensure that our systems and applications can recover quickly from unexpected events and threats. By implementing practices like redundancy, failover, and disaster recovery, using techniques like chaos engineering to test the resilience of systems and applications, and using automated incident response and mitigation tools, we can respond quickly to security incidents, minimize downtime, and maintain the highest standards of security and quality. This process can help us to improve security, reduce risk, and increase efficiency in delivering high-quality software to customers. We can also establish clear roles and responsibilities for incident response, develop a training program for team members, and continuously improve the resilience process through regular reviews and testing.”

Any questions?

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