Identity and access management.

What is identity and access management?

Identity and Access Management (IAM) describes a security and business discipline carried out by project managers. Involving multiple technologies and business procedures, IAM is a framework that organizes and manages electronic or digital identities. With the framework, IT departments and managers can decide who sees critical information within their organizations, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems.

Why would you want identity and access management?

Identity and access management is a critical aspect of cloud security. With the increasing complexity of IT systems and the growing number of users, it is essential to have a robust system to manage user identities and access privileges. By creating an identity and access management process for cloud security, project managers can reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents, improve operational efficiency, and maintain the trust of our customers.

How does identity and access management work?

An IAM framework is usually set up to:

  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of different user groups within an organization.
  • Establish clear access control policies and procedures to ensure only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication measures to verify user identities and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Set up monitoring and auditing systems to detect and respond to security incidents in real-time.
  • Develop procedures for granting, modifying, and revoking user access privileges.
  • Establish password management policies and procedures to ensure that passwords are secure and changed regularly.
  • Conduct regular employee training and education to ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in maintaining security.
  • Use role-based access control to assign access privileges based on job function and responsibilities.
  • Use least privilege principles to ensure that users only have access to the minimum level of permissions necessary to perform their job functions.
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the identity and access management process, and make improvements as needed.

The value of identity and access management

 IAM systems are designed for use by third-party vendors in order to control:

  • How individuals are identified in a system
  • How roles are identified in a system and assigned to individuals
  • The adding, removing and updating of individuals
  • The assigning of access levels
  • The protection of sensitive data
  • System security

IAM is so valuable to all of these processes because it helps business leaders and IT departments meet the regulatory and organizational pressure to protect access to corporate resources. An IAM removes the manual process of humans assigning and tracking security measures and adds its control and auditing process with cloud-based assets.

As more features such as biometrics, AI and behaviour analytics are added, the amount IAM can do and control increases, bolstering its usefulness as a security system.

Main advantages of identity and access management

  • Helps prevent unauthorized access to systems and data
  • Facilitates better control and management of user access and permissions
  • Enhances compliance with security regulations and standards
  • Improves overall security posture of the organization
  • Enables effective identity and access governance
  • Improves customer trust and loyalty.

A common user story

 “As a Product Manager, we want to create an identity and access management process for cloud security to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive data and systems. By identifying user roles and responsibilities, establishing access control policies and procedures, implementing multi-factor authentication measures, setting up monitoring and auditing systems, and conducting employee training and education, we can reduce the risk of data breaches and other security incidents, improve operational efficiency, and maintain the trust of our customers. This can help us to differentiate ourselves from competitors, win new business, and ultimately drive business growth and success.”

Any questions?

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