Continuous testing.

What is continuous testing in DevSecOps?

Continuous testing (CT) is a development process that prioritizes testing throughout the entire software development life cycle (SDLC). The goal of CT is to access software quality across the entire product and provide feedback at an earlier stage, enabling higher quality and faster delivery of the end product. 

Why would you want continuous testing in DevSecOps?

CT, as a DevSecOps process, helps product managers by improving security, reducing risk, and delivering high-quality software to customers more efficiently. All three are achieved because the framework is there for fixing problems and improving software whilst the product is under development.

The DevSecOps process of continuous testing is critical to streamlining product production, ensuring that software meets the highest security and quality standards.

How does continuous testing in DevSecOps work?

A continuous testing environment must:

  • Use a test-driven development approach, where tests are written before code is developed.
  • Automate the creation of test environments to ensure consistency and reduce the risk of configuration errors.
  • Implement continuous feedback mechanisms to ensure that test results are monitored, and issues are addressed quickly.
  • Use metrics to measure the testing process's effectiveness and identify improvement areas.
  • Integrate security testing into the continuous testing process to ensure proper security measures throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • Conduct regular reviews and retrospectives to identify areas for improvement and adjust the testing process as needed.

The value of continuous testing in DevSecOps

By creating a DevSecOps process that emphasizes continuous testing, teams can expect to identify and address security issues early, reduce the risk of vulnerabilities, and deliver software that meets the highest security and quality standards.

Main advantages of continuous testing in DevSecOps

  • Enables early detection and resolution of defects and vulnerabilities
  • Facilitates more efficient and effective testing processes
  • Improves software quality and reliability
  • Helps reduce the risk of errors and failures in production
  • Enables rapid feedback and iteration based on test results
  • Enhances security by enabling continuous security testing and analysis
  • Improves team collaboration and communication content.

A common user story

 “As a Product Manager, we want to create a DevSecOps process emphasizing continuous testing so that our team can improve security, reduce risk, and deliver high-quality software to customers more efficiently. By using tools like test automation and continuous integration, conducting regular code reviews and testing, and implementing security testing as part of the ongoing testing process, we can identify and address security issues early, reduce the risk of vulnerabilities, and deliver software that meets the highest standards of security and quality. This process can help us to improve security, reduce risk, and increase efficiency in delivering high-quality software to customers. We can also establish clear security policies and procedures, develop a security training program for developers, and continuously improve the security process through regular reviews and testing.”

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