Continuous delivery.

What is continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery (CD) is a process of automating the build, testing environment, configuration and deployment of a product in a production environment, with the end goal of releasing it to the wider public. The release pipeline is the end stage of this, creating multiple testing or staging environments to automate the product creation and deployment process.

Why would you want continuous delivery?

A Product Manager should want to create an agile process for continuous delivery in order to ensure high-quality software to customers quickly, efficiently, and with minimal risk.

By having a streamlined process for delivery, a CD can improve the time-to-market, reduce waste associated with manual processes, and respond more quickly to customer needs.

How does continuous delivery work?

Continuous delivery involves the use of:

  • Agile practices like automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery to ensure the software is delivered quickly and efficiently.
  • Tools like version control and monitoring to reduce the risk associated with code changes.
  • Regular reviews and retrospectives to identify areas for improvement.
  • A successful source code build.
  • Unit tests that pass the barrier threshold are needed to fulfil the product's end goal.
  • Code quality requirements must be fulfilled.
  • Software acceptance tests that have been passed.
  • Software's nonfunctional tests must pass the barrier (security tests, availability tests, etc.)
  • Software that is deployed to a production-like environment only after the entire development cycle is complete.
  • Continuous improvement of the delivery process.

The value of continuous delivery

By creating an agile process for continuous delivery, teams can expect to see improved efficiency, reduced waste, and increased customer satisfaction. In addition, this process can help teams to deliver high-quality software to customers quickly and respond more rapidly to customer needs.

Main advantages of continuous delivery

  • Enables faster and more frequent software releases
  • Helps improve software quality and reliability
  • Facilitates automation of software delivery and deployment
  • Helps reduce the risk of errors and failures in production
  • Enables rapid feedback and iteration based on user feedback
  • Improves team collaboration and communication
  • Helps increase customer satisfaction and business agility.

A common user story

“As a Product Manager, we want to create an agile process for continuous delivery so that our team can deliver high-quality software to customers quickly, efficiently, and with minimal risk. By using agile practices like automated testing, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and tools like version control and monitoring, we can deliver software to customers quickly and efficiently with minimal manual intervention. This process can improve time-to-market, reduce waste associated with manual processes, and respond more rapidly to customer needs. In addition, by conducting regular reviews and retrospectives, we can identify areas for improvement and continuously improve our delivery process.”

Any questions?

Contact us and we will be happy to help