Collaboration in DevSecOps.

What is collaboration in DevSecOps?

The process of collaboration in DevSecOps, revers to enabling developers (Dev) to work with operations (ops) in order to create a product that is secure, efficient and speedy. 

A project manager may choose to create a DevSecOps process that emphasizes collaboration so that, above all, security, reduced risk, and the delivery of high-quality software to customers are prioritized. This system can be achieved through the collaborative efforts of cross-functional teams.

Why would you want collaboration in DevSecOps?

A collaborative approach can foster a culture of security and trust, as well as the sharing of knowledge and best practices, with security integrated throughout the development process. Plus, if security is a major component, the chances of the product going offline or being breached and the response to such an event are much improved.

How does collaboration in DevSecOps work?

Collaboration in DevSecOps relies on:

  • The involvement of cross-functional teams in the development process, including developers, security professionals, and operations personnel.
  • The use of Agile practices like user stories and acceptance criteria to ensure all team members have a shared understanding of requirements and priorities.
  • The use of chat channels and virtual collaboration spaces to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • Ensuring that all team members have access to the same information and use the same processes and tools.
  • Encouragement of regular reviews and retrospectives to identify areas for improvement.
  • Fostering a culture of security and trust by emphasizing the importance of security throughout the development process.

The value of collaboration in DevSecOps

The main value lies in the outcomes of the collaborative process we stated above; improved security, reduced risk, and increased efficiency in delivering high-quality software to customers. 

Main advantages of collaboration in DevSecOps

  • Enables better alignment of security and development objectives
  • Helps identify and mitigate security risks early in the development process
  • Facilitates continuous feedback and iteration based on security testing and analysis
  • Improves overall security posture and reduces the risk of security breaches
  • Enables more efficient and effective security incident response
  • Improves team collaboration and communication.

A common user story

“As a Product Manager, we want to create a DevSecOps process that emphasizes collaboration so that our team can improve security, reduce risk, and deliver high-quality software to customers through the collaborative efforts of cross-functional teams. By involving developers, security professionals, and operations personnel in the development process, using agile practices like user stories and acceptance criteria, and using tools like chat channels and virtual collaboration spaces, we can foster a culture of security and trust, share knowledge and best practices, and ensure that security is integrated throughout the development process. As a result, this process can improve security, reduce risk, and increase efficiency in delivering high-quality software to customers. In addition, regular reviews and retrospectives can help us continuously improve our collaborative efforts and ensure that we provide software that meets the highest security standards.”

Any questions?

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